Just thought I would post a few of the old photos I have, this one appears to be of two young girls dressed up in sailor uniforms, no info as to where and when it was taken, the original photo isn't much bigger than a matchbox, I originally posted it on a naval website where it caused much debate if the 'sailors' were either young men or girls, final opinion was that it was 2 young girls dressed up.
The 2 smaller photos, again no info as to names or where they were taken, my Greatuncle is the sailor on the right of the picture, no info on the other sailor although he does appear in other photos.
The 3 sailors, again unfort. no info but it looks as if they had either had a hard day or the weather was hot.
all the photos I have are from an old family album which is in my cousin's keeping, luckily I was able to borrow it and scan the phots as the album hasn't really been looked after over the years and most of the photos are in a fragile condition.