Hi John and the rest of the group who have posted some interesting photos of HMS Kent and her crew.
Apologies for not following the earlier links to join, always seem to be doing some decorating around the place.
My Greatuncle, R Genee ( served as Gence) was a stoker on HMS Kent from October 1914 until June 1918 by which time he was promoted to Stoker Petty Officer; he then joined the ill fated ship HMS Glatton which blew up in Dover harbour in September 1918 and was one of many of the crew who lost their lives in the explosion.
I have a few old photos which I'll post onto the site, have attached one of a watercolour of HMS Kent sinking the Nurnberg, the picture was given to me by my Mother's elderly cousin who remebered my Greatuncle coming back on his final leave before he was killed.